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Election and Emotion: Choosing Value and Positivity Amid Change

Writer's picture: Gary RothGary Roth
election booths

In times of uncertainty and heightened emotions, it’s natural to turn inward, analyzing our lives, decisions, and priorities. The days following a presidential election often intensify this self-reflection. People feel the pull to make their voices heard, seek validation, and grapple with their visions of success. Yet, in the search for significance and fulfillment, we often miss the mark, placing importance on appearances rather than value, on impression rather than substance. Today, let’s explore what it truly means to lead a fulfilling life by focusing on providing value, harnessing the power of our minds, and understanding the hidden costs of success.

Focus on What Provides Value, Not What Impresses

In a world where likes and followers seem to gauge our worth, it’s easy to become trapped in the cycle of impressing others. We invest in flashy appearances, accumulate accolades, and chase after impressive titles, all in the hope of proving our value to the world. But, as with many things in life, the satisfaction these pursuits bring is often fleeting. When our focus is solely on what others think, we lose touch with what genuinely fulfills us, both in our personal and professional lives.

Ironically, while we obsess over impressing others, the reality is that people spend very little time thinking about us at all. The same holds true in reverse—most of us don’t spend our days reflecting on others’ lifestyles or achievements. This isn’t to diminish our accomplishments but to recognize that our energy is often better spent on things that hold true value rather than things that briefly dazzle. Providing value—whether by solving a problem, offering a helping hand, or simply being present for others—leaves a lasting impact. These moments of genuine connection and contribution resonate far longer than our attempts to impress.

When we focus on providing value, we make a real difference, not only in the lives of others but in our own as well. Our self-worth becomes rooted in our contributions, not in our comparisons. We feel a deeper sense of fulfillment because we’ve invested in relationships and experiences that matter. The question becomes less about how we measure up and more about how we can positively affect those around us. This shift brings a profound sense of satisfaction and peace, qualities that impress more than any material success could.

Anger and Forgiveness After the Election: Choosing Light Over Heat

As emotions run high, particularly during times of change or uncertainty, it’s easy to let anger take control. Anger is like an oven—hot, all-consuming, but without direction or light. It heats us up but rarely illuminates anything worthwhile. Anger often blinds us to reason, intensifies our fear, and leads us to believe that others are conspiring against us or that the world is out to get us. This intense focus on perceived injustice can keep us from moving forward and achieving the things we actually want.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, is like the light of the moon—soft, calming, and illuminating. It shines light where there is darkness, helping us see situations with a cooler, more balanced perspective. Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing wrongdoing or pretending our pain doesn’t exist; rather, it means letting go of the control that anger has over us. By choosing forgiveness, we free ourselves from the weight of resentment and open our hearts to healing.

This release can be one of the most liberating steps in reclaiming peace and happiness.

By choosing forgiveness over anger, we create more room in our lives for compassion and understanding. Anger may feel powerful, but it drains us. Forgiveness, on the other hand, renews us. It enables us to approach situations with empathy and grace, allowing us to form deeper connections with others and to nurture inner peace. In the end, letting go of anger doesn’t make us weaker; it makes us stronger, more resilient, and more capable of facing life’s challenges with clarity and calm.

The Power of Perspective: What We Look for, We Find

Our beliefs and expectations shape our reality in powerful ways. If we look for evidence that the world is against us or that people are trying to hold us back, we’ll surely find it. Minor inconveniences become major grievances, and small slights become intentional offenses. This mindset, though it may feel protective, actually limits us by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity and distrust. Instead of seeing the good in people and situations, we’re primed to see threats and barriers, keeping us locked in a cycle of frustration and disappointment.

Conversely, when we believe that people are generally helpful and that the world has opportunities for us, we start to see more of that too. A stranger’s kindness, a friend’s support, or a chance encounter can all reinforce our belief in a positive, collaborative world. This isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s a powerful practice that transforms our outlook. By expecting the best, we’re more likely to encounter it, because our openness to goodness encourages others to show us their best sides as well.

The story we choose to tell ourselves each day shapes the life we experience. We can either dwell on the things that reinforce our fears or focus on the things that strengthen our hope. Both the raw material for a bitter life and a sweet life are present at all times. Our job is to choose which narrative we want to live out. By emphasizing the positive and seeking out the goodness in life, we can cultivate a life filled with joy, gratitude, and optimism.

Beware the Stories You Tell Yourself

As poet and novelist Ben Okri once wrote, “Beware the stories you read or tell; subtly, at night, beneath the waters of consciousness, they are altering your world.” The narratives we hold about ourselves, our worth, and our place in the world are incredibly powerful. If we tell ourselves stories of inadequacy, failure, or scarcity, those narratives shape how we interpret and respond to our experiences. Over time, these self-limiting beliefs become deeply ingrained, affecting every aspect of our lives.

But just as negative stories can shape our worldview, positive and empowering stories can do the same. When we tell ourselves stories of resilience, worth, and possibility, we build a mindset that sees obstacles as opportunities and setbacks as setups for comebacks. We start to believe that we’re capable of growth and change, even when faced with challenges. By being mindful of the stories we tell ourselves, we take control of our perspective and create space for more self-compassion, courage, and perseverance.

It’s not about ignoring the hardships of life or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about acknowledging the power we have to shape our experiences through our thoughts and beliefs. By choosing empowering stories, we can rewrite our mental script, allowing us to face life with greater resilience and confidence. This shift enables us to see the world through a lens of hope rather than one of limitation.

Worry: The Thief of Today’s Strength

Dutch writer Corrie ten Boom captured the essence of worry beautifully: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.” Worry is often a mental habit that we indulge in, convincing ourselves that it’s somehow productive. We believe that by turning potential problems over in our minds, we’re preparing for them or protecting ourselves. But worry, instead of preparing us, tends to drain our energy, paralyze our decision-making, and steal our peace.

Worry often fixates on things we cannot control—the future, other people’s reactions, or unforeseen events. While a certain amount of caution is healthy, worry spirals into unhealthy territory when it becomes obsessive. It consumes our thoughts and creates a state of perpetual anxiety that distracts us from the present moment. By focusing on what could go wrong, we miss out on what is actually happening, right here, right now. The more we let worry dominate, the less energy we have to face the day with clarity and strength.

Cultivating a practice of mindfulness and gratitude can help us combat worry. When we stay present and focus on the positives in our lives, we find that the future is less daunting. By acknowledging that we can only control our actions in the present moment, we free ourselves from the endless cycle of worry. This allows us to approach life with a sense of peace and purpose, using today’s strength to create a better tomorrow.

The Hidden Costs of Success

Success, as we traditionally define it, often comes with hidden costs. We strive for recognition, achievement, and prosperity, but the journey to get there can sometimes lead us away from the things that matter most. Long hours, high stress, and constant sacrifice can take a toll on our relationships, health, and happiness. The allure of success can be blinding, making us forget to check in with ourselves and question what we’re truly pursuing.

The pursuit of success without balance can leave us feeling empty, even if we achieve our goals. We can lose sight of the small joys and the meaningful connections that sustain us. By chasing status or wealth alone, we may find that the cost of success is often higher than its reward. In the end, a balanced life—one filled with purpose, relationships, and health—often brings more satisfaction than any title or material gain.

True success is about aligning our lives with our values. It’s about creating a fulfilling life that we can be proud of, not just in terms of accomplishments but in terms of character, kindness, and integrity. When we pursue goals that genuinely resonate with who we are and what we believe in, we find that the rewards are far richer and the costs are far lower.

Conclusion: A New Perspective on Fulfillment

In these emotionally charged times, it’s more important than ever to reflect on what truly fulfills us. When we prioritize providing value over impressing others, we build lives that are meaningful and enriching. When we choose forgiveness over anger, positive perspectives over cynicism, and presence over worry, we cultivate a peaceful, resilient mindset. And when we pursue success that aligns with our values, we find ourselves leading lives we’re proud of.

Life is fleeting, and our energy is precious. By channeling it into things that truly matter, we can build a life of purpose, connection, and joy—one that far outshines any temporary achievements. In the end, fulfillment is about the quality of our relationships, the kindness we extend, and the positive impact we leave on the world around us. Let’s all strive for a life that impresses not with its flash, but with its substance.


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